The svg-to-pdf call converts a SVG file to PDF using Inkscape.

Server setup

To convert SVG files to PDF, you need to install Inkscape on your server:

sudo apt install inkscape

Account configuration

To use the PDF call, the account must have the svg-to-pdf flag set to true:

{"key": "...", "svg-to-pdf": true, "...": null}


Using Backend.js, a SVG file can be converted to PDF as follows:

const backend = new Backend('');
const account = backend.account('your-account-id', '44705748... your-account-key');

const svgToken = 'd94d3886...';
const resources = [
	{name: 'logo.png', '#b': '7b8cf18d...'},
account.svgToPdf(svgToken, resources, onDone, onError);

function onDone(token, request) {

function onError(errorCode, request) {

All SVG files and resources must be uploaded beforehand, if necessary.

HTTP/REST Requests

POST /backend/svg-to-pdf
Timestamp: TIMESTAMP
Signature: SIGNATURE
{"#b": randomHex(32), "resources": [{"#b": "...", "name": "..."}, "..."]}

200 with the blob token of the generated PDF

400 if a file is missing

401 if the account ID or signature is missing or invalid

403 if the account is not allowed to use SVG to PDF

Account ID
Account key

A simple request has the following structure:

{"#b": randomHex(32)}

The token refers to a previously uploaded SVG blob. The file is passed to inkscape, and the resulting PDF file is again stored as a blob.

If the source file refers to external resources, these resources must be uploaded as blobs as well, and specified in the request:

{"#b": randomHex(32), "resources": [{"#b": randomHex(8) + "…", "name": "background.jpeg"}, {"#b": randomHex(8) + "…", "name": "logo.png"}, "..."]}

All resources are staged in a folder alongside the SVG file before calling inkscape.